Healthy Meals to Your Door offers tasty, nutritionally balanced, freshly prepared meals delivered straight to your home or work place.
We cater for a range of needs and tastes. So whether you need a convenient solution because you are time poor, you don’t like to cook, you are too busy or stressed to shop for fresh ingredients, or perhaps you have a family where everyone has different tastes or you are ill and need extra support or you or someone you know has special dietary needs that make cooking especially tiresome… we take the pressure off the weekly shopping and cooking grind. You’re sure to fall in love with the “healthy meals to your door” service.
All our recipes are developed by a chef and nutritionist team that are passionate about great tasting food and health. We don’t add badditives to your food.
Choose the best meal plan to suit your needs and preferences. We have a range of options available to suit your individual needs, restrictions and preferences whether you are someone who “eats everything” or someone who doesn’t.
Healthy Balance Meal Plans: A delicious varied menu containing a mix of everyday delicious meals and foods. (Contains a mix of real foods from all the food groups. No added nasties like sugar or artifiicial additives or preservatives or “fillers” in our recipes.* Family Winter Menu Example
Upgraded Paleo Meal Plans: Naturally gluten free, wheat free, dairy free, sugar free and light on white potato. We love our super-foods though, so our upgraded paleo menu contains ancient grain super foods like quinoa and rice, beans, and pulses. We’re sure you will love them too. This meal plan is great for meat lovers, people who love paleo-style or people who are on a low dairy or gluten free diet.Upgraded Paleo GF DF week 2 example 7 day
Vegetarian: We have a variety of healthy nutritionally balanced vegetarian meal plans to suit vegetarians vegans (strict vegans please note some treats contain honey so please specify if you do not eat honey), lacto-ovo vegetarians (vegetarians that eat eggs and dairy)
Vegan: Our vegan meal plan is meat free, dairy free, fish free, poultry free, egg free. (Please note some treats contain honey so please specify if you do not eat honey, we don’t use sugar in our food, so honey is sometimes used in place of sugar.) (For honey free you will need to choose “Special Dietary Needs” option.
Pescatarian: Vegetarians who eat fish. These meal plans have no poultry, and no red meat. There are a mix of meals that are vegetarian, vegan and some that contain fish. (If you wish to avoid egg and dairy but keep fish you would need to choose the “Special Dietary Needs” option.
Gluten Free Meal Plan: This meal plan contains no gluten. Please note our kitchen is not gluten free, if you have a severe gluten intolerance please discuss this with us before ordering.
Dairy Free Meal Plan: This meal plan contains no dairy. Please note our kitchen is not dairy free, if you have a severe dairy allergy please discuss this with us prior to ordering. Choose Special Needs option.
Allergies and Special Needs: This is for people who may have one or two sensitivities, intolerances, allergies or dietary preferences to avoid certain foods like dairy, gluten, egg, fish or seafood. We have a nutritionist on site ready to customise a meal plan just for you*. (Unfortunately we do not cater for people with nut allergies and as all food is prepared in the same kitchen, we cannot completely guarantee 100% occlusion, so if your allergy is severe please contact us to discuss for ordering.)
We have a four week rotating menu which means you have loads of variety week to week to keep your palate interested.
*(The only time you will see these ingredients is if they are hidden in other ingredients for example- if we use mustard and can’t find one that is completely free, but we will always list it.)