Healthy Meal Plan
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthHealthy eating is important for great energy levels, being able to think straight, keeping trim and healthy, and generally feeling good!
Eating well to nourish your body can take effort, especially when you are busy. It doesn’t have to be complicated and fancy, but you need to make careful choices if you want to make sure you are eating in ways that nourish your body. It is very easy to eat harmful and fattening edible non-food stuffs in our modern day environment.
Here is a meal plan to help give you an idea of simple meal planning and meal ideas for four days.
This meal plan is out of our Size Fantastic weight loss program, designed by Lisa Cutforth.
It’s our gift to you. 4 Day Meal Plan Example
Wishing you and your family health worth celebrating!
People who followed our meal plan felt amazing… if you can’t be bothered to cook or shop for yourself… why not check out our meal packages.
What shall I cook tonight? Yummy Lick the Pot Clean Pumpkin Soup
/in Foodie News/by Lisa Cutforth1. Oven Roast 1 Butternut Pumpkin Whole (about 180 degrees fan heat for about an hour. The skin should start to turn brown and patchy and look “thin”.)
2. Bring 1 cup of orange lentils (rinsed well first) to boil in about 1/2 litre of vegetable stock.
3. Remove butternut from oven, allow to cool enough to handle. Scoop out all the flesh, discarding the seeds and skin. Add the flesh to the pot of lentils and stock.
4. Stir in a can of coconut cream. Heat through.
5. Once the soup is all cooked through. Remove from heat and blend with hand held blender.
Garnish with fresh coriander, if you like. Add salt to taste. Serve with chunky oat or quinoa sour dough bread, or oat cake crackers.
Or… if you can’t be bothered to cook… simply order some yummy dinners from us instead:
Dissolving Barriers to Healthy Eating
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthHelping you Find Healthy Eating Solutions:
There are many barriers that can get in the way of healthy eating in today’s busy society. If you’re looking to change your eating habits and are finding your road is being blocked time and time again by different factors, rest assured that there are solutions and tips out there to help you get back on track.
Common barriers you may have experienced include:
1. Emotional Eating
Emotional eating can include eating for other purposes other than hunger. These purposes can include filling the void when sad, depressed or stressed. If you want more information on this, Size Fantastic has a blog post about Stress and Your Weight. Find it here
2. Convenience
There’s no doubt that we live in a world of convenience. From computers, to pizza cutters to vending machines. When we also live busy lives, juggling work, study and family makes it sometimes justifiable to pay more for convenience than for quality. High-salt, high sugar, or high-fat frozen meals and fast food takeaways are there to make “life easier”, but very often these foods are cleverly engineered to tempt and entice you to eat them or eat more than you need. While being cheap and easy to make, store and sell for a profit, they are typically low in nutritional value. Good for the manufacturers, bad for you.
3. Lack of Time
Time is one of the most common perceived barriers to healthy eating. You may have to rush off in the morning and not have time to prepare breakfast, or you may work late and be too tired to cook dinner when you return home.
Try these tips to overcome some of the common barriers:
1. Plan your meals ahead of time. Look through some healthy cookbooks and base your weekly shopping list on what ingredients you need for your meals. When you do have the time to make dinner, make extra so that you have some for lunch the next day. Plan to cook just 3 times a week. You can freeze leftovers for another night when you don’t have time to cook from scratch.
2. When you go for your weekly shop, choose a variety of healthy snacks like fresh fruit and unsalted nuts, humus and carrots to keep in the house during the week. You can keep these at home, in your car or at work.
3. Research your local restaurants and places around you that offer takeaway. Look at their menu’s online and see what kind of healthy options they offer. For example, a place that allows you to switch fries for a side salad might be a good place to try when you have no time to cook.
Healthy Meals To Your Door offers healthy convenient nutritious solutions so that you can eat well no matter what else is going on in your life!
If you feel like you really don’t have the time to cook but you still want to eat healthy, delicious food why not try Healthy Meals To Your Door? Weekly meals are delivered to your home or workplace and we cater for a range of different needs including vegan, vegetarian, dairy-free, egg-free, and gluten-free.
Find out More or Order Yours Today
Beyond Paleo – why we “upgraded” our meal plan
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthPaleo followers have created enough demand that we wanted to provide an option that suited them, but we also had to make sure we did this with the backing of good science and maintained the integrity of health in our meals.
Our Paleo meal plans do contain beans, lentils, legumes, and ancient grains like quinoa and also brown rice. We do not exclude corn on the cob either. We do exclude gluten, dairy, and refined cane sugar though.
What is the science behind the Paleo craze? Did our ancestors really eat a majority of protein from animals? Science says no. In fact, anthropology tells us they ate a mostly vegetable and “starch” based diet. Meat was too unpredictable, and as hunter gatherers, the gathering happened routinely, daily, and they ate what was available seasonally, and the men would go out and hunt and bring back and share their daily kill. Often between the whole community.
If we were looking for a perfect diet that suited our current human evolution, wouldn’t we be better off looking at populations that live beyond 100 years of age, surely they hold secrets to longevity and vitality. Interestingly, their diets contain mostly vegetables, many are vegetarians.
So if you want a healthier version of Paleo, choose upgraded Paleo, free from sugar, gluten and wheat, but full of all the added goodness of vegetable proteins and natural starches.
Healthy Meals Delivered – Brisbane
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthIf you are working full time, have children, don’t know how to cook or don’t like to cook then it is easy to dread the evening “What’s for dinner?” question. Mums and dads, especially if it is being asked by hungry children with no real concept of time.
Even if you don’t have children at the end of a long day, shopping and cooking can be the last thing you feel like doing.
It is easy to understand why people turn to convenience options, fast food and ready meals.
I had a mum call me the other week saying: “I’m so over cooking, is it too late to place my order for next week?!”
As a nutritionist working with my clients, I found many people desperate for an alternative to having to shop and cook healthy meals for themselves. Planning food and meals in advance felt like it was definitely in the “too hard” basket, and a last minute cooking decision was often not a good one.
That’s why we created the Healthy Meals To Your Door (fresh healthy meals delivered to your home or work place) service.
We wanted to provide a quick convenient solution that was also healthy, and good enough for the whole family. Yes, there were quick convenient solutions out there already (by the dozen) but low calorie doesn’t equate to nutrient dense, and many of the solutions were laced with sugar, salt, preservatives, fillers and thickeners and frankly unhealthy. The meals were quick, light in calories and easy and sometimes evenly mistakenly perceived as “cheap” but as a nutritionist I couldn’t put my health stamp on them.
Our calorie controlled meals are naturally low in calories but also nutrient dense, made with real food, fresh ingredients, from recipes developed by a nutritionist and chef team and cooked by real chefs in a fully equipped professional state of the art kitchen in Brisbane. We don’t add nasties like preservatives and extra salt and sugar, the food is freshly cooked and delivered fresh, (and you can freeze a couple of the meals to afford you flexibility). And the flavor comes from the real ingredients we carefully choose, not from a manipulated “sugar, fat, salt” formula.
We wanted to give people a positive healthy eating experience. Imagine you and your loved ones eating healthy guilt free food, that tastes great, and that you didn’t have to plan, buy ingredients for or slave over a hot stove cooking from scratch.
Mums and Families are LOVING the 5 family dinners:
“All very, very yummy!!! And so easy!!!! You are better than a shooting star!” Working Mum with young boys
“What a treat it was to not have to cook last night, and to top it off hubbie’s lunch for today was sorted … Looking forward to tonights!” Busy mum
“Love that it took five minutes to heat a nutritious meal for the family- perfect for witching hour! Looking forward to trying the rest of the weeks meals.” Mum with new born and older kids
And our calorie controlled meal plans are satisfying and effective:
“We really appreciate everything you have done for us – for both our physical as well as mental health. Since starting the meals last year, I have lost ~10kgs and managed to keep it off! And that’s just been the
tip of the iceberg.” Brisbane Professional Couple
Choose from a range of healthy meal plans, for example calorie controlled meals, upgraded Paleo meals, even gluten free meals delivered weekly. Whether you are living alone, a couple or a family we can deliver healthy meals to suit your needs. And you can choose between 1, 2 or 3 meals (and snacks) a day… depending on your needs.
Check out our healthy meal plans here or order your Healthy Meals Delivered – Brisbane here
10 Benefits of Eating a Healthy Diet
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthFrom a very young age we are taught to eat well. But in this busy world that we live in it’s easy to forget how eating healthy can benefit us, both emotionally and physically. Here are 10 benefits of eating a healthy and nutritious diet…
1. A healthy diet will help you concentrate
Yes you heard it, eating a healthy balanced diet does great things for your brain and can ensure concentration levels are high and maintained throughout the day. Processed foods will impair concentration and will cause ups and downs in energy levels. As adults being able to concentrate and focus during the day is definitely important, but adults have sneaky coping mechanisms they can use to survive, without too many people noticing. Children on the other hand, who have missed out on breakfast for whatever reason, suffer all sorts of consequences when concentration is poor. They don’t do as well at school, and sometimes they are given disease labels that could have been prevented by daily good nutrition. Evidence suggests that breakfast consumption may improve cognitive function related to memory, test grades, and school attendance. (1) We advocate consumption of a healthful breakfast on a daily basis consisting of a variety of foods, especially nutrient-rich whole grains like oats or whole grain breads, fresh fruits (any), and healthy protein products (like egg, yoghurt, nuts or beans).
2. A healthy diet will prevent you from turning into a grumpy grouch
Nobody likes turning grumpy at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, so prevent this from happening by incorporating more complex carbohydrates (like wholegrains), foods that release a steady stream of glucose into your system, and avoid refined or processed carbs that are likely to rapidly spike your glucose and then send it plummeting. Wholegrain carbohydrates also boost serotonin (a naturally found mood regulator) in the brain, and also known as a happy hormone. Too much of this will relax you too much so don’t only have carbs at lunch time, or you might end up with the sleepy 3.30itis. Also include more omega-3 fatty acids (from salmon, flaxseed or walnuts), and ensuring that you eat breakfast and are exercising regularly. If the afternoon sleepies do hit, rather than turning to sugar, have a peppermint tea or liquorice tea for a natural “pick me up”.
3. A healthy diet will reduce inflammation in the body
Incorporating more healthy fats (from extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, tree nuts, and wild fish like tuna, sardines, salmon and mackeral) and certain spices (turmeric, cloves, ginger and rosemary and cinnamon) can help to reduce inflammation in the body (2). This is beneficial to prevent or help repair swelling of the joints, bloating, aches and pains and other consequences of inflammation. Some studies have also uncovered the potential anti-inflammatory effect of garlic – either way, garlic is a great natural flavour enhancer to add to your meals (3).
4. Healthy meals will optimise energy levels
If you really want to make the most of your day and be as productive as you possibly can, eating a diet rich in wholegrains, fruit and vegetables is the way to go. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugary snacks if you don’t want to crash in the middle of the afternoon. Try and get an early night if you are consistently having energy slumps during the day or craving carbs in the afternoon or late in the evening.
5. Healthy meals enhance weight loss
Chances are that you’re not going to have much luck losing weight if you’re not eating a healthy diet and feeding your body the nutrients it needs. Starving yourself is a dangerous way to lose weight because you lose muscle, slow down your metabolism, deplete yourself of essential nutrients and ultimately activate all sorts of stress and compensatory systems in your body that will make you pile the weight back on… usually as fat. Eating a healthy diet consisting of regular healthy meals is the best most consistent way to lose weight and keep it off. Plus, when you lose weight you also slowly start to lose all of the dangerous risks that come with being overweight and obese, especially if you lose the weight simply by eating a healthy diet!
6. Appearance
A nutritious diet will give you healthy glowing skin, stronger and shinier hair, stronger nails and healthy teeth. You can literally “eat for beauty”!
7. Eating a healthy diet results in less cravings
Stress can lead to cravings and when you give in to these cravings, you reinforce them. Do this often enough and you end up with a learned behaviour (or bad eating habits). We can crave foods when we are missing key nutrients, so if we eat a balanced diet we often find we have fewer cravings. Sometimes though we can also develop cravings for the foods that we don’t need but that we eat regularly (particularly if there are strong associations to that food or patterns around eating it), for example if we regularly eat a piece of cake or something sweet after dinner then we can be in a pattern to expect or seek out something sweet as soon as we finish dinner. Fill up on nutrient-rich foods during the day, make healthy conscious choices regularly and be careful of unhelpful habits to avoid these cravings.
8. Healthy eating will help you to sleep better
Sleeping better will improve your eating habits and improving your eating habits will help you sleep better. This was highlighted in a 2007-8 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), showing that the more sleep people received the better their diet was (4).
9. You’ll save money
Although some healthy foods may cost a little bit more than their unhealthy counterparts, in the long-run you will have fewer medical bills to pay and your grocery bill may also be less if you’re eating less overall.
10. You could add years to your life and live longer
Eating a healthy balanced diet will reduce your risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers and much more. We also know that in population samples that have a culture of eating well, it is not uncommon to live to over 100 years old.(5)
Want to start eating healthier but don’t know where to start? If you are in Brisbane or the Gold Coast you can now get healthy meals delivered to your home or workplace. It means less worrying for you and a peace of mind knowing that the food you are eating is going to be doing your body some good. If you aren’t based locally but would still like some help with how to eat healthily, please contact us and one of our nutrition team can help you to get yourself and your family on track.
[1] Rampersaud, G., Pereira, M., Girard, B., Adams, J. & Metzl, J. Breakfast Habits, Nutritional Status, Body Weight, and Academic Performance in Children and Adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Volume 105, Issue 5, May 2005, Pages 743–760
[2] Top anti-inflammatory foods, herbs and spices. ( retrieved from web 16th June, 2015)
[3] Ban, J., Oh, J., Tae, K., Dae, K., Heon-Sang, J., Jin, H., & Sang, H. (2009). Anti-inflammatory and arthritic effects of thiacremonone, a novel sulfurcompound isolated from garlic via inhibition of NF-κB. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 11.
[4] National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). (2008). Retrieved from
[5] Buettner, D. (2012). Blue Zones. National Geographic Society.
How Healthy are Ready-Made Meals?
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthReady-made meals or frozen meals may seem like the perfect option for when you’ve had a long day of work, school or just simply life. Supermarket frozen meals are quick, convenient and if you’re lucky, they might taste okay. Most of us may be aware of the nasties that these frozen meals can deliver when they are typically loaded with sugars, salt and preservatives. Now, supermarkets are introducing more ‘nutrition positive’ sections of the frozen aisle that scream ‘low calorie’, ‘low fat’, ‘more whole grains’ and ‘salt reduced!’. They may seem healthier but are these new so called healthy ready-made meals actually good for you?
We looked at four different brands of ready-made meals, three of which portrayed the notion of ‘healthy’. To avoid using brand names let’s call one of them A, B, C and the other D, with all except C obviously claiming to be healthy.
Meal A was a type of salmon and noodle soup portrayed the terms “super food”, “goodness”, “salmon” and “kale” on the packet – all words that would lure us health conscious people in right? Well, when we looked at the ingredient list and nutritional panel it wasn’t all that we expected. The ingredients list was loaded with things like thickener, flavour enhancers, food acids and added sugars. Plus, remember those luring feature ingredients “salmon” and “kale” that was on the packet? Well, rather misleadingly the “salmon fillet pieces” only made up 11% of the meal despite been the featured ingredient in the meals name and kale only took up 4% of the whole meal. Not nearly enough to get any benefits from it!
Meal B was a type of beef stir fry served with brown rice and quinoa and portrayed the terms “whole grains”, “brown rice”, “quinoa” and “healthy choice” on the packet. Quinoa ended up taking up just 6% of the whole meal. In addition, the meal contained added sugars, thickeners and added salt. The amount of sodium per serving was a whopping 1190mg! Keep in mind that the maximum amount of sodium recommended per day is about 2000mg, so this meal would contribute to more than half of this.
Now let’s look at a supermarket bought ready-made meal that does not promote itself to be healthy (Meal C). The one we chose was a Beef Lasagne. This meal was quite similar to the ‘healthy’ ones in that it contained thickeners, added sugars, salt and flavour enhancers. In addition, it contained cream, butter and preservatives.
Meal A, B and C all contained harmful and nasty additives and preservatives, no matter whether they called themselves healthy or not. Our findings also support a very recent UK study that surveyed 10 supermarket ready-meals. They found that ready-meals tended to be high in saturated fat, sugar and salt. Only 20% of ready-meals were low in saturated fat, salt and sugar1.
The goal of eating healthy should be to nourish our bodies with whole, natural foods. Additives and preservatives are not natural to our bodies and can act as carcinogens, feel toxic and also rob us of important nutrients. They really add no nutritional value to our food and are usually there to simply prolong shelf life or enhance flavour. Instead of counting calories, count ingredients. Calories are only one tiny part of the weight loss puzzle but they have very little to do with nutrients. And if your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs it can’t function, and you feel hungry and get cravings. Don’t be fooled by clever branding that markets something as great for weight loss just because the calories are low. You still need the nutrition and if you are just eating less food, you can do that on your own without paying extra for sneaky fillers and badditives.
Instead of looking at pictures or trusting clever branding see if you can identify and recognise the ingredients as real food. Have a really good look at the ingredient list and evaluate whether that food is going to add any nutritional value. If they use real food, there will be nutrients in the meal. Ingredients have to be listed in order of quantity… so make sure the real food is listed first. If sugar is in the first three ingredients rethink the meal.
Let’s compare Meal D: Ginger & Soy Salmon, Asian Greens and Brown Rice, which you can get conveniently delivered to your home.
Ingredients: Bok Choy, Atlantic Salmon, Vegetable Stock (Water, Onion, Celery, Carrot, Bay leaves, Peppercorns), Brown Rice, Tamari, Coconut Oil, Garlic, Ginger
Less salt, sugar and higher in healthy fats than the other three meals and almost no harmful ingredients, with the only added salt being what is present in the Tamari.
ü Do use real food
ü Don’t add preservatives or other additives or thickeners or binders
ü Don’t add salt (other than what might be present in soya sauce for example)
ü Don’t add cane sugar or artificial sweeteners
ü Serve just delicious, nutritious food!
The bottom line is … Please be discerning when you choose ready made meals… they are not all created equal, and they are not all healthy, no matter what the fancy packaging says.
If you’re after convenient home delivered ready-made healthy meals that are designed by a nutritionist and chef team that are actually healthy and good for you, then check out Healthy Meals to Your Door. Currently running in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, it delivers prepared meals to your home or workplace.
You can order online and avoid the trip to the supermarket!
[1] Remnant, J., & Adams, J. (2015). The nutritional content and cost of supermarket ready-meals. Cross sectional analysis. Appetite, 92: 36-42.
Why Not All Calories Are Created Equal
/in Foodie News/by Lisa Cutforth“An analysis of 175 countries showed that when you look for the cause of type 2 diabetes, the total number of calories you consume is irrelevant. It’s the specific calories that count. When people ate 150 calories more every day, the rate of diabetes went up 0.1 per cent. But if those 150 calories came from a can of fizzy drink, the rate went up 1.1 per cent. Added sugar is 11 times more potent at causing diabetes than general calories”[1] Robert Lustig
The above quote from Professor Lustig couldn’t be any more true. All calories are not created equal. It is the types of foods that matter. If you eat 90 calories from a banana this is not going to be the same as eating 90 calories from chocolate. The banana is going to provide you with more nutrients, while containing no refined sugars, saturated fats or preservatives. The chocolate contains all of these.
Some believe that counting calories is the way to go in terms of weight loss and preventing disease, and there are definitely quite a few fad diets out there that support this. You should really be looking at the source of your calories and practice more mindful eating. Where did your food come from? Is it highly processed or has it come directly from nature? Is it laden with chemicals and preservatives? Does it contain refined sugars or trans fats? These are all questions we should be asking ourselves about our food. Simply counting calories MIGHT make you lose some weight but will you be healthy on the inside? Probably not, and the sad news is you usually don’t sustain the weight loss nor do you necessarily lose fat. More often than not you lose muscle, and not fat when you are eating too little, especially if they are empty calories and worse still because your body is stressed, the type of food you are eating activates fat storage, so you also end up with dangerous internal visceral fat, despite “weight” loss.
Meal companies are definitely trying to make a name for themselves by promoting “low calorie” convenient frozen meals that will aid in weight loss. In reality you would be better off by eating more calories but from different sources (like real nutrient dense and healthy food). Weight loss (in fat and centimetres) can happen just from switching to healthy and wholesome foods, no matter whether you are consuming more calories or not. For more info on this, check out our recent blog post where we compare the healthiness of different ready-made meals.
A great real life example that highlights just how different calories can be is a study done by Damon Gameau. He embarked on a two month experiment where he was to consume 40 tsp of sugar a day (the average for an Australian adult). His results were outstanding. He went from eating 2300 calories/day from vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy to eating still 2300 calories a day but sourced from vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy and 40 tsp of sugar that will hidden in apparently healthy foods (like yoghurt, breakfast cereal, fruit juices, muesli bars etc.) These were his results:
1. His liver health decreased dramatically
2. His liver and blood were laden with fat
3. He gained nearly 10kg
4. He put on 10cm of fat around his waist (the dangerous visceral fat)
5. His moods were greatly affected and he would often crash mid-afternoon with no energy2
To put it in short terms, he was on his way to developing fatty liver, type II diabetes and heart disease. It only took a month to dramatically change his health for the worse… and all it took was hidden sugar in processed food.
This all happened to him just by eating so called ‘healthy foods’. Foods that we wouldn’t even imagine to be high in sugar. It’s scary how much more so people who eat a diet of predominately junk food items and sweets are at risk of these diseases and side affects are.
Now we start to see why our population has a 2 in 3 adult obesity rate.
What can you do about it? Start paying attention to the foods you are eating and where they come from. As much as you can shop for whole food and cook at home. If you’re stuck for time and you live in Queensland, and you are looking for healthy convenient solutions, you could give “Healthy Meals to Your Door” a go. Meals are prepared fresh for delivery to you, without adding harmful “badditives” to your food.
[1] Lustig, R. (2012). Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar. Fourth Estate.
[2] Gameau, D. (2015). That Sugar Book. Pan Macmillan Australia.
5 Day Meal Plan Example: Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks Delivered – Brisbane/GoldCoast
/in Foodie News/by Lisa CutforthHere is an example of all the food you get when you order a 5 Day Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snacks package.
You get all this food for $179 delivered to your door! Imagine how much time and energy you save: we do all that planning, shopping, cooking and washing dishes for you, and even deliver it to your home or office!
This is a picture of 5 Breakfasts, 5 lunches, 5 dinners and 10 snacks all ready to go…
Quality, Healthy Food delivered your door… think of it like healthy fast food :)